Since the election of Trump (by a minority of votes), WikiLeaks has suddenly gone AWOL. At the same time, the prior hacking by Russia of the Democrats' emails has become irrefutable.
The president-elect acts more like a Russian underling than an American statesman. When cornered, Trump has the irrepressible need to tweet and counter-act, not by correcting but by reaffirming. His choices for high positions are open to legitimate scrutiny. The "chosen ones" are not all necessarily irrelevant, and that is what makes them potentially nefarious.
In the short term, the WikiLeaks silence is the best indicator of a former orchestrated cabal waged against Secretary Clinton. One can be critical of her chosen campaign mode but one is equally entitled to question the origin of the trickle-down leaks directed against her. The sole purpose was clearly to get a preferred candidate (without the strategic agenda of Secretary Clinton, disliked by the new czar) in the White House. Trump is not a willing accomplice of Putin. There is no need to cry wolf, yet, but the stakes are high. The Trump entourage looks more like a board meeting than a Kissinger/Scowcroft-type of laboratory, involved in world affairs. The 21st century priorities (i.a. climate change, governance, human rights, non-proliferation, terrorism, cyber) are disregarded in favor of a mindset wherein protectionism, climate change denial, trade wars, reversal of social achievements (womens' and LGBT rights, voting rights, Affordable Care...) rule.
Secretary Clinton is already being considered as the better opportunity "missed". It is hard to predict how long Republicans (Try Gowdy, Jason Chaffetz, Speaker Paul Ryan & Co.) will accept to play minor roles in this farce disguised as the Godfather IV sequel. Self-respect is in short supply in certain circles.
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