Friday, April 21, 2017


This White House looks as if it would fit better in Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan...same taste, same style.

This accidental president encounters difficulties in reaching out beyond his "red meat" habitat. Snubbed or ridiculed, he is basically a lonely bluffer.  Left to his own devices he stumbles over competing lies which alienate allies abroad and the more sophisticated press and commentators at home.  His "entourage" is a coterie of close family and equally clumsy Doppelgangers who hand him aggrandizing mirrors. 

Envious of his predecessor's worldly connections, he tried to have his own "private Idaho" by inviting Sarah Palin & Co.  Let loose in the White House, this trio of "deplorables" found nothing better to do than to strike a pose with the painting of the former First Lady Hillary Clinton in the background. This vulgar performance, in line with Mrs. Palin's persona, was obviously encouraged by Trump's minions who were too happy to guide the "performers" to the proper crime scene.  Speaking of a "class act"... 

It is ironic that contrary to its clueless, ridiculous handling of the "Upstairs" this White house can only find its way in the "downstairs", where it belongs, or in His Master's tweets, which keep the permanent arson ablaze.

Trump's latest muscle flexing bombast regarding his "terrific" "Armada heading for the Korean Peninsula might have been inspired by Theodore Roosevelt's Great White Fleet...with a difference. This current president forgot his naval binoculars.

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