Wednesday, January 29, 2020


The enlarged Museum of Modern Art in NYC is a feast for the eyes and the mind. The space created is a most sophisticated achievement which avoids grand statements and plays on a game of sophisticated seduction. One floats more than one walks, as a result from the appropriate lighting  and the complicity created by the often  surprising dialectic between art works. Mindsets win over chronology. 

Indeed, the works are exposed differently from their earlier predictable anchor. They are called upon to collide and collude, and are given the opportunity to be revisited anew. 

MoMA was always great but was kind of noisy. Now the sound volume is reduced by stealth. Pleasure overcomes tiredness. 

Most visitors are familiar with many works, as they might appear in a coffee-table book. The deja vumore blase attitude from past experiences is now a thing of the past. There is  unabashed wonder, with here and there a surprise in store, like a "blind date". 

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