Wednesday, May 10, 2017


President Trump fired the FBI director James B. Comey. The manner in which this was done reminds me of Ian Kershaw's writing on the "abrupt" in European '30s history. Few people will regret Comey's dismissal after his indefensible actions regarding Act I and Act II in the saga of Secretary Clinton's emails last year.  By the way, the Trump administration, and in first place the Department of Justice, now refer to this former absurd episode as as the reason for having taken such high drama action. One could argue that Comey's "yesterday's sin" should not be allowed to erase his "today's virtue".

Trump can never address any issue--from the trivial to the important--without putting himself at the center. His sickly narcissism has invaded his brain and acts as some incurable paranoia that leaves him vulnerable to flattery and sycophancy. Hence, in his letter of dismissal, he could not resist taking about himself.

Under Comey, the Russian inquiry was a wide-open counter-intelligence operation, not limited to the usual suspects: Flynn, Manafort, Page, Stone and...   Accordingly, the White House's decision looks more like an interference in a criminal matter. Every one who came too close to the Russian trail was dismissed, the former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates in the first place.

Trump met with the Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov,today (May 10, 2017) . The dark cloud that hung over this White House has been taken care of, for now. The president, having cleared both the Russians and himself, might hope for clearer skies, until...  In the short term he and Russia got a pass, whatever the former collateral damage done to the Clinton campaign might have been. The administration got a good return for its belated clairvoyance. This little Watergate will pass too. After all, fake news and alternative facts are Trump's writing on the wall (his trademark).

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