Monday, March 25, 2019


The full Mueller report (yet to be made public) is supposed to be the sum of all the Russia-linked facts in the Trump campaign. Nevertheless, the evidence was not considered to be a footprint for undeniable proof. It appears that the special counsel considered Trump to be more of a welcoming party for anything which might interfere negatively in the Clinton campaign than as an active colluder. Contrary to what the president says however, there is no "complete and total exoneration". The attorney general, Trump's ad hoc nominee , is already spinning a "closure" tale -a "preemptive strike before publication - while Trump's entourage stays accused of multiple federal crimes.

Fact is that the president scored a political victory. The Democrats pay the price for being a one-issue party. The speaker of the House wisely spoke out against impeachment now, but her "flair" came too late to reign in a party which is rightly indignant but which often appears to be off-center. Republicans will rally around the fig leaf that Mueller gave to Trump. The world wide political spectacle will be in overdrive : likeminded "cronies" (Bolsonaro , Orban, MBS, Putin & Co) will chuckle. The danger is that this Manchurian candidate will feel emboldened and that his cult followers in the US might look for vengeance of sorts.

Democrats surely feel that Mueller chose sophism over clarity. William Barr, attorney general, chose the mantle of a collaborator rather than the persona of a law enforcer above the fray. While the president will certainly upgrade his usual attack mode, the Democrats had better beware of the temptation to overreact to the latest emotional affront. This will be difficult since Trump's infamous "base" will not remain idle and the Republicans will play the martyrdom card of their 2020 candidate. This being said, other multiple investigations continue. They will be more aggressive since they do not risk being taken hostage by political intermediaries.

Netanyahu is in town. Americans should ready themselves for a performance of two "criminal minds".

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